Product Tables & Information

Explore all the essential details about our product in one place. Below, you'll find key tables covering transaction fees, limits, setup instructions for DuitNow, service level agreements (SLA), terms & conditions, and frequently asked questions (FAQ). This page provides easy access to the critical data you need to understand and manage your transactions smoothly.

What are the services available on BIMB Mobile?

The following services are available on BIMB Mobile: -





Account Inquiry

  • View accounts summaries and details for:
    • Savings/Current Accounts/Transactional Investment Accounts
    • Term Deposit & Investments Accounts
    • Credit Card-i
    • Financing Accounts
    • Tabung Haji, ASNB and Simpan SSPN Prime Accounts
2 Apply New
  • Deposits Account
  • Investment/Transactional Investment Account
  • Debit and Credit Card-i
  • Financing Account
3 Transaction History
  • Account
  • BIMB Web
  • BIMB Mobile
  • Debit Card-i
  • Share transaction receipts
4 View and Download e-statement

E-statements are available for up to 6 months from the transaction date

5 Transfer Funds
  • Within Bank Islam to Own Account or Other Bank Islam Accounts
  • To other banks via DuitNow Transfer, DuitNow Request to Pay (RTP), DuitNow QR, and Inter Bank GIRO (IBG)
  • Transfer to third-party agents:
    • Tabung Haji [Transfer funds from Tabung Haji Account (Own) to Third-Party Bank Islam Account and Third-Party Tabung Haji Account is temporarily unavailable until further notice]
    • ASNB
    • SIMPAN SSPN Prime
6 Payment
  • Bill Payment to bank’s registered billers
  • Payment to JomPAY Billers
  • Financing & Credit Card Payment for own or 3rd Party Bank Islam accounts
  • Pay Zakat
  • Pay Donation (eSadaqa) to our Sadaqa House, mosques, orphanages, or other charitable organisations
  • Bill Presentment to Bank’s registered billers
  • QR Payment
7 Prepaid Reload



Request services

  • Request Money
  • View Incoming Request
  • View Outgoing Request
  • View Blocked Request
9 Manage
  • Login & Security
    • Password
    • BIMB Secure
    • Security Image & Phrase
    • Security Questions
    • Push Notification
  • Transaction
    • Transaction Limits
    • Future Transactions
    • Recurring Transactions
  • My Profile
    • My Profile
    • Employment Information
    • Mailing Address
  • DuitNow
    • Registration/ De-registration DuitNow ID
    • Switch Accounts
    • Switch Bank
    • DuitNow AutoDebit
  • My Accounts
    • Manage Dashboard display
    • Edit Nickname
    • De-link for third-party agent’s account
  • Debit Cards
    • Allow Online Purchase (coming soon)
    • Overseas Transactions & Withdrawal (coming soon)
    • Block Card (coming soon)
    • Manage Card Limits (coming soon)
    • Set PIN
    • Request Card Replacement
  • Credit Cards
    • Activate Card (coming soon)
    • Overseas Transactions & Withdrawal (coming soon)
    • Block Card
    • Set PIN
    • Request Card Replacement
    • Apply for Balance Transfer (coming soon)
    • Apply GO Cash (coming soon)
    • Apply GO Flexi (coming soon)
  • Manage Favorites

Transaction Limit Table 

Details on transactions limits for BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile are as follows:
Transaction Types Default Limit Daily Transcation Limit Remarks
Own Transfer:
  1. From Bank Islam (own) to Bank Islam (own)
  2. From Tabung Haji (own) to Tabung Haji (own)
Own Payment:
  1. To Bank Islam Credit Card-i (own)
  2. To Bank Islam Financing (own)
RM5,000 RM1,000,000
(Shared limit for all own transfer and payment transfer type)
Limit is capped at RM5,000 for Tabung Haji (TH) transfer daily.

Transfer to Others:

  1. To third party within Bank Islam
  2. Via DuitNow
  3. Via Interbank Giro (IBG)
  4. From Tabung Haji (Own) to Bank Islam (own/ third-party) (Transfer funds from Tabung Haji Account (Own) to Third-Party Bank Islam Account is temporarily unavailable until further notice)
  5. From Bank Islam (own) to Tabung Haji (own/ third-party)
  6. From Tabung Haji (own) to Tabung Haji (third-party) (Temporarily unavailable until further notice)
  7. From Simpan SSPN Prime (own) to Bank Islam (own/third-party)
  8. From Bank Islam (own) to Simpan SSPN Prime (own/third-party)
  9. From Simpan SSPN Prime (own) to Simpan SSPN Prime (own/third-party)
  10. From Bank Islam (own) to ASNB (own/third-party)
  11. From ASNB (own) to Bank Islam (own/third party)
  12. From ASNB (own) to ASNB (own/third-party)
  13. Accept DuitNow Request
  14. DuitNow QR: Scan and Transfer Funds to Other Person (applicable for BIMB Mobile only)
RM5,000 RM50,000 (Shared limit) Limit is capped at RM5,000 for Tabung Haji (TH) transfer daily.
FPX & DuitNow Online Banking & Wallet (OBW) RM5,000 RM50,000 (Shared limit) FPX daily transaction limit is capped at RM30,000.00


  1. JomPAY, Bill Payment, Bill Presentment, Payment Gateway, E-Sadaqah/ Wakaf
  2. DuitNow QR: Scan and Pay to Merchants (applicable for BIMB Mobile only)

Third Party Payment:

  1. To Bank Islam Credit Card-i (third-party)
  2. To Bank Islam Financing (third-party)
RM5,000 RM100,000 (Shared limit) N/A
Prepaid Reload RM250 RM250 N/A
Quick Transfer RM250 RM250 The limit per transaction is up to RM250


  • The maximum daily limit for external accounts for any payment, receipt, or transfer is RM10,000.
  • The daily transaction limit is shared between BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile unless it is stated.

Cooling Off Table



BIMB Web, BIMB Mobile & BIMB Biz

  • Registration
  • Re-registration
  • Forgot Password

Cooling-Off Period for Existing Customers:

After performing New Registration, First-Time Login, Re-registration or Forgot Password, your Username will be under a ‘Cooling Off’ status. During this period, you can:

  • Login
  • View account summary and details
  • View account and transaction history

However, you will not be able to perform the following transactions:

  • Transfer to Third-Party Bank Islam Account
  • IBG Transfer
  • DuitNow Transfer
  • DuitNow Request (Accept Payment Request)
  • DuitNow QR
  • Tabung Haji Transfer
  • Simpan SSPN Prime Transfer
  • ASNB Top Up / Subscription

Note: For new registration and re-registration, online access activation is required. The cooling-off period starts immediately after successful activation.

Increase Daily Transaction Limit

Transaction Limits During Cooling Off Period:

·   Scenario 1: If you increase the limit for Third-Party Transfer from RM10,000 to RM50,000 and do not perform any transactions before increasing the limit, you will not be allowed to perform more than RM10,000 per day during the cooling-off period.

·   Scenario 2: If you increase the limit for Third-Party Transfer from RM10,000 to RM50,000 and have performed transactions totalling RM5,000 before increasing the limit, you will not be allowed to execute more than another RM5,000 per day during the cooling-off period.

Scenario 3: If you increase the limit for Third-Party Transfer from RM10,000 to RM50,000 and have utilised the maximum limit before increasing the limit, you will not be able to make a Third-Party Transfer.

Change e-mail Address

Email Notifications and Profile Updates:

·   All post-transaction notifications on BIMB Web will be sent to the old email address.

·   The old email address will be displayed on the Update Profile page.

·   You cannot change or amend the email address during the cooling-off period.

New Link Accounts:

  • Linking Tabung Haji
  • Linking Simpan SSPN Prime 
  • Linking ASNB

Linked Accounts:

  • You will be able to see the linked account.
  • You are still allowed to link to other accounts.

Debit Card-i Card-Not-Present (CNP) / Online Purchase Activation

After enabling/activating CNP Transaction on Internet Banking under Debit Card-i Maintenance, you will see the status as ‘Enabled’ and a message informing you that the service will be activated within 12 hours from your activation time.

BIMB Secure Authentication

During the cooling-off period, whenever there’s a transaction that requires BIMB Secure authentication, BIMB Web will display a message informing you that BIMB Secure will be activated within 12 hours from your registration time.

Setup New DuitNow

Customer Type Allowable DuitNow ID
Malaysian (Individual)
  • Mobile number (Local)
  • NRIC number*
  • Army/Police number*

*Only if this ID type is the customer’s primary ID as maintained in Bank Islam system.

Non-Malaysian (Individual)
  • Mobile number (Local)
  • Passport number
Malaysian (Company)
  • Mobile Number (Local)
  • Business Registration Number

DuitNow Fee

Transaction Amount Fee per Transaction
RM5,000.00 and below RM0.00
Above RM5,000.00 RM0.50*

For more information on the applicable fees and charges, you may refer to

*Note: This fee is imposed effective 1 June 2024.

DuitNow Maximum Limit

Platform Default Limit* Maximum Daily Limit*
BIMB Mobile RM5,000.00 Resident: RM50,000.00
Non-Resident: RM10,000.00

Note: The default and maximum daily limit are shared between BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile.

*Shared limit for all transfers to third parties within Bank Islam, Tabung Haji (TH), via IBG, Simpan SSPN Prime, Accept DuitNow Request, ASNB and DuitNow QR: Scan and Transfer Funds to Other Person.

Daily Limit Security

Transaction Type

Maximum Daily Transaction Limit


DuitNow QR: Scan and Transfer Funds to Other Person (P2P)

RM 50,000*
(Shared limit)

1.  When you launch the Scan QR icon for QR transactions, you must provide either a password or biometric validation.

2.  If the transaction exceeds the Quick Transfer (QT) limit and you are using biometric login, you must enter the password.

DuitNow QR: Scan and Pay to Merchants (POS)

RM 100,000**

(Shared limit)


  • The Quick Transfer (QT) limit can be set up to RM250.
  • The default limit for P2P and POS transactions is RM5,000 and is also subject to the limit set by you.
  • The default and maximum daily limits are shared between BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile.

* Shared limit for all transfers to third parties within Bank Islam and Tabung Haji, via Duitnow, IBG, SSPN-i, Accept DuitNow Request and ASNB.

** Shared limit for all payments includes JomPAY, Bill Payment, Bill Presentment, Payment Gateway, e-Sadaqah/Wakaf and payments to third-party Bank Islam Credit Card-i and Financing-i.

JomPAY Payment Limit


Default Limit*

Maximum Daily Limit*




Resident: RM100,000

Non-Resident: RM10,000

BIMB Mobile

Note: The default and maximum daily limit are shared between BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile.

* Shared limit for all payments includes JomPAY, Bill Payment, Bill Presentment, Payment Gateway, E-Sadaqah/Wakaf, and payments to third-party Bank Islam Credit Card-i and Financing.

JomPAY QR Limit

Details on the limits are as follows:


Default Limit*

Maximum Daily Limit*



Resident: RM100,000

Non-Resident: RM10,000

BIMB Mobile

Note: The default and maximum daily limits are shared between BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile.

*Shared limit for all payments includes JomPAY, Bill Payment, Bill Presentment, Payment Gateway, E-Sadaqah/Wakaf, and payments to third-party Bank Islam Credit Card-i and Financing.

Quick Transfer Limit

Details on transactions limits for Quick transfer are as follows:


Default Limit

Transaction Limit


RM 250


BIMB Mobile



  • The default and maximum limits are shared between BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile.
  • The default limit may change as and when required by the Bank.
  • You may change the per-transaction limit up to RM250 via ‘Quick Transfer Limit Daily’ in BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile app.
  • Any transaction which exceeds the Quick Transfer limit will need to be authenticated by BIMB Secure and will require a password (for transactions via BIMB Mobile app).

New Accounts Type

Account Type Account Name
Deposit Account Qard Savings Account-i
Basic Savings Account-i
Qard Current Account-i
Basic Current Account-i
Investment Account Al Awfar Account
iGAIN Account

New Accounts Deposit Fee

Account Type Account Name Initial Deposit / Placement (RM)
Deposit Account Qard Savings Account-i 100
Basic Savings Account-i 20
Qard Current Account-i 500
Basic Current Account-i 500
Investment Account Al Awfar Account 100
iGAIN Account 1000

Tabung Haji Transaction Fee

Yes, there are fees charged for certain transactions. Details are as follows:

Services Charges
Cash withdrawal via ATM/CRM RM1.00
Transfer via ATM/CRM/BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile RM1.00
Cash Deposit to Tabung Haji account via CRM RM1.00
Balance enquiry No Charge
Linking of Tabung Haji to Debit Card-i No Charge
Hajj registration No Charge

Tabung Haji Transfer Limit

Details on the daily transaction limits for transfer from Tabung Haji Own Account are as follows:

Channels Daily Transaction Limit
Bank Islam ATM/CRM RM10,000 per day
BIMB Mobile RM5,000 per day
BIMB Web RM5,000 per day

Tabung Haji Third Party Transfer Limit

Details on the daily transaction limits for 3rd Party Account Tabung Haji Transfer are as follows:

Type of Transaction Daily Transaction Limit at ATM/CRM Daily Transaction Limit at BIMB Web & BIMB Mobile
Bank Islam to Tabung Haji Own Account RM10,000 per day RM5,000 per day
Tabung Haji to Bank Islam Own Account
Bank Islam to 3rd Party Account within Tabung Haji
Tabung Haji to 3rd Party Account within Bank Islam (This service is temporarily unavailable on BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile until further notice)
Tabung Haji to 3rd Party Account within Tabung Haji

ASNB Subscription Limit

The subscription limits for ASNB unit trust funds via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile are as follows:

Limit Amount
Minimum Subscription RM1.00
Maximum Subscription RM50,000.00*

Note: The minimum and maximum limits are shared between BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile.

*The shared limit for ASNB subscriptions and transactions including transfers to third parties within Bank Islam and Tabung Haji via DuitNow, IBG, SSPN-i, Accept DuitNow Request, and DuitNow QR: Scan and Transfer Funds to Other Person, is RM50,000.

You may change your preferred maximum limit on BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile. Please be note that the subscription:

  • Is subject to availability of the respective ASNB unit trust fund and individual investment limits.
  • Must be in multiples of RM1.00 (amounts in Sen is not acceptable).
  • Is subject to ASNB Sales Charges and relevant Bank Islam fees and charges.

Minimum And Maximum Limit To ASNB Subscriptions

Limit Amount
Minimum Subscription RM1.00
Maximum Subscription *RM50,000

MyDebit Secure Payment Limit

The daily transaction limit is a combined limit with your Debit Card-i Purchase (Contact) limit. Details on the transaction limits are as follows:

Transaction Type Default Limit Daily Maximum Limit
MyDebit Secure RM3,000 Via Bank Islam branches or Contact Centre: RM30,000
Via BIMB Web and ATM/CRM: RM10,000

Application of Financing-i/ Credit Card-i

The duration of the application process varies depending on the type of financing and the receipt of all required information and documents). Details on the durations are as follows:

Financing Type Processing Duration (upon receiving completed documents)
Personal Financing-i Application Within 5 working days
Home Financing-i Application Within 5 working days
Vehicle Financing-i Application (individual) Within 2 working days
ASB Financing-i Application Within 5 working days
Credit Card-i Application Within 3 working days (Excluding the time taken to mail the card)

BIMB Web Password Protection Table

To ensure safety, follow these tips:

  • Change your password regularly
  • Do not write down your ATM PIN, Password or Username
  • Never disclose your personal information such as login Username, Password and other details to anyone
  • Always log out properly
  • Avoid performing transactions at public terminals such as cybercafés
  • Clear your cache upon completion

To clear your cache memory:

Browsers: Steps:
Internet Explorer
  1. Click ‘Tools’ on the Internet Explorer browser.
  2. Select ‘Internet Options’.
  3. Under ‘General’, go to Browsing History and click ‘Delete’.
  4. Click ‘Delete files…’ and follow the onscreen instructions.
  5. Click ‘Delete cookies…’ and follow the onscreen instructions.
  6. Click ‘Close’ to close ‘Delete Browsing History’.
  7. Click ‘OK’ to close ‘Internet Options’.
Google Chrome
  1. On your browser toolbar, click “More”.
  2. Click “History”, and then click “Clear Browsing Data”.
  3. Under “Clear Browsing Data”, select the checkboxes for Cookies and site data and Cached images and files.
  4. Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete.
  5. Click “Clear Data”.
Mozilla Firefox
  1. Click the menu button on your browser toolbar, click “Options” and then click “Preferences”.
  2. Select the Advanced panel.
  3. Click on the “Network” tab.
  4. In the Cached Web Content section, click “Clear Now”.
  5. If you are using Safari web browser, follow these steps:
  6. Choose Safari and click “Preferences”.
  7. Click “Privacy” and click “Remove All Website Data”

Kill Switch Activation

Platforms Steps to activate Kill Switch
  1. Go to BIMB Web
  2. Next to the User Guide, click on “Kill Switch” at the top of the menu.
  3. Click on “Start Kill Switch”.
  4. Select ID Type and provide ID Number.
  5. Verify your Kill Switch request by entering the One-Time Password (OTP) code.
  6. Kill Switch request is considered successful when you receive an SMS notification and acknowledgement is displayed on screen.
BIMB Mobile
  1. Launch BIMB Mobile App.
  2. Select Kill Switch menu. This will redirect you to Bank Islam Internet Banking.
  3. Next to the User Guide, click on “Kill Switch” at the top of the menu.
  4. Click on “Start Kill Switch”.
  5. Select ID Type and provide ID Number.
  6. Verify your Kill Switch request by entering the One-Time Password (OTP) code.
  7. Kill Switch request is considered successful when you receive an SMS notification and acknowledgement is displayed on screen.
  1. Launch BIMB Biz app.
  2. Select the Kill Switch option (located below the Forgot Password menu). This will redirect you to Bank Islam Internet Banking.
  3. Next to the User Guide, click on " Kill Switch" at the top of the menu.
  4. Click on “Start Kill Switch”.
  5. Select ID Type and provide ID Number
  6. Verify your Kill Switch request by entering the One-Time Password (OTP) code.
  7. Kill Switch request is considered successful when you receive an SMS notification and acknowledgement is displayed on screen.