Disclaimer: This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is subject to ongoing updates and revisions. The finalised version will be made available before the official launch of BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web.

Frequently Asked

I am a new customer. Will I have access to Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam app?
As a new customer, you need to register for BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile. GO by Bank Islam app is no longer available for download from any app store, and first-time users cannot register for Bank Islam Internet Banking.
I am an existing Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam user. Will I be automatically switched to the BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web?
Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam users will not be automatically switched to BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web. Bank Islam Internet Banking and the GO by Bank Islam app will still be available until the end of 2025.
Are there any fees associated with switching to the BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web?
There are no fees imposed for switching from Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam app to BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web. It is a free upgrade provided to enhance your banking experience.
Can I continue using Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam app, if I do not want to switch right now?
Yes, you can continue using them.However, by the end of 2025, your access to Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam apps will be discontinued. We highly recommended switching to BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web as soon as possible for a better banking experience.
Can I revert to the previous Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam app, after switching to BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web?
Once you switch to BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web, you won’t be able to revert to Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam app.
What happens if I do not switch to the BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web by the end of 2025?
If you do not switch by the end of 2025, your access to the Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam app will be discontinued, and you will need to use the BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web to manage your banking services.
Do I need to reactivate online access after switching to BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web?
No activation is required.
Will there be a cooling-off period when I switch to the BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web?
No. However, a cooling-off period applies if you are already in a cooling-off period from the previous Bank Islam Internet Banking or GO by Bank Islam app.
Will my Favourite accounts list from Bank Islam Internet Banking be available in BIMB Mobile and/ BIMB Web?
Yes, all your previously set up Favourite accounts will be available in BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web. No re-setup is needed.
What are the services/ features that are not auto transferred to BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web?
Services and features that are not carried over from Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank lslam app when you switch to BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web include:
  1. Future Dated and Recurring Payments will be stopped when switched. Customers need to re-set them up in BIMB Mobile or BIMB Web.
  2. Transaction History from Bank Islam Internet Banking and GO by Bank Islam app will not appear in BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web.
  3. The GO by Bank Islam app cannot scan QR codes generated by BIMB Mobile. However, BIMB Mobile can scan QR codes generated from GO by Bank Islam app.
  4. Transaction limits need to be set up again in BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web.
I tried to switch to the BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile but encountered error. What should I do?

If you encountered error, for instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my for assistance. Alternatively, you may visit any Bank Islam branch for support.

What is BIMB Mobile?
BIMB Mobile is a mobile banking application offered by Bank Islam that allows you to access your accounts and perform selected services quickly and securely from your mobile device, 24 hours a day.
How is BIMB Mobile different from GO by Bank Islam application?
BIMB Mobile is an upgraded version of the GO by Bank Islam app featuring a modern interface, enhanced security through BIMB Secure, and additional features like mobile account opening and zakat payment. It offers a better user experience and broader services, making it the future of Bank Islam’s mobile banking platform. Switching to BIMB Mobile is highly recommended.
What types of mobile devices support BIMB Mobile?

BIMB Mobile is supported by any smartphone and tablet with the following specifications:

  1. iOS 13.0 and above
  2. Android 10 and above

Note: The application cannot be used on jail-broken or rooted devices. Always update your operating system and applications for optimum service.

Why do I have to upgrade my operating system?
Using an outdated operating system may put your information at risk. It is recommended to update your phone's operating system to the latest version for maximum protection.
How do I start using BIMB Mobile?
Download the BIMB Mobile application from App Store (for iOS devices), Play Store or Huawei AppGallery (for Android devices).
What are the services available on BIMB Mobile?
The following services are available on BIMB Mobile: - Please click on button below to find out more.
Is the application system secure?

Absolutely. A variety of security functions are provided: -

  1. Sign-in Protection: Access is protected by strict sign-in procedures, including confirmation via your private image and word.
  2. One Device, One Login: Only one login session on one device is allowed at a time.
  3. Data Security: Sensitive data such as passwords or transaction information is transmitted via SSL, TLS1.2 and HTTPS secure protocols.
  4. Confidentiality: Account confidential information is not stored on the device.
  5. Threat Detection and Privacy: BIMB Mobile includes a security feature that monitors for malware and other security threats that could compromise the app's safety. This feature is designed to detect potential risks without collecting personal data or tracking information about other apps on your device. If a threat is detected, you will be prompted with an alert message upon login, or /and certain transactions may be temporarily restricted to protect your account.
What happens if I lose my mobile device?
Other individuals cannot access the application without your Username and fingerprint/digital authentication and/or password. For security reasons, you are advised not to store any account information or passwords in your device. If you feel your log in credentials may have been compromised, please contact our Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900 immediately.
I bought a new mobile device, what should I do?
After downloading BIMB Mobile, perform the same steps as your first time sign-up. You will be prompted to confirm if you want to link a new device to your Username. To confirm, select ‘OK’ and your access will be linked to the new mobile device.
Can I access the application when I travel abroad?
Yes, as long as you have internet access. Please contact your mobile service provider for roaming charges.
What happens if I uninstall the application?
All application data stored on the device will be removed. When you re-install the application, you will need to set it up again.
How do I know if my transaction is successful?
You will receive a transaction confirmation notification via push notification through BIMB Mobile. Alternatively, you can also check your Inbox and transaction history through BIMB Mobile or BIMB Web.
How can I share the transaction receipt with others?
Once the transaction is completed, select the ‘Share’ button to share the receipt via the device sharing tools such as emails *or WhatsApp.
How can I save the transaction receipt?
To save your transaction receipt, select the ‘Share’ button and choose your preferred sharing tool (supported by your mobile device) such as Google Drive, your device drive or Photo Gallery.
Can I change the transaction limits using BIMB Mobile
Yes, you can change your BIMB Mobile transaction limits through Manage Menu > Transactions > Transactions Limit.
Can I transfer funds to accounts that are not in my Favourite list?
Yes, you can transfer funds to anyone even if they are not in your Favourite list.
Can I pay a third-party Bank Islam Credit Card-i or financing account?
Yes, you can pay to any third-party Bank Islam Credit Card-i or financing account.
What is BIMB Web?
BIMB Web is an online banking service provided by Bank Islam which enables you to perform banking transactions via the Internet.
What are the benefits of BIMB Web?
With BIMB Web, you can perform your banking transactions anytime, anywhere in the world with Internet access. It is accessible via mobile devices, tablets and desktops.
What are the operational hours?
BIMB Web operates 24 hours a day.
What are the services available at BIMB web?
Click here www.bimb.com to view the list of BIMB Web services.
How do I access BIMB Web?
You can access to BIMB Web after signing up as a user.
Who can apply access to BIMB Web? Can a joint account holder access BIMB Web?
All Bank Islam customers with a Bank Islam Debit Card-i or/ Credit Card-i can register for BIMB Web. Registration for joint account holders, trust account holders or partnership account holders is not available at the moment.
I have a Bank Islam ATM/Debit Card-i linked to an individual, sole proprietor, and joint account. If I register for BIMB Web, can I access all these accounts?
No, you need to request for a separate Bank Islam ATM/Debit Card-i for individual account and sole proprietor accounts to access BIMB Web. Joint account access is not available at the moment.
Account Management & Security
What should I do when I see the message “Please update your profile information”?
You should update your profile information through the BIMB Mobile or BIMB Web.
Why should I update my profile?
Updating your profile ensures that your information is current and accurate, providing a seamless user experience and avoiding any potential issues or limitations from outdated information.
Can I update my profile later?
Yes, but you will continue to receive prompts until you successfully update your profile.
What if my current profile information remains unchanged from the previous information?
If your profile information is the same, then verify it by accepting the declaration and submit to confirm your profile is in order.
What should I do if I mistakenly update my information?
You can re-update your profile.
How will I know if my new BIMB Web and Mobile registration was successful?
After you completed the registration, you will receive an email notification to confirm that your registration is successful. Please ensure that you entered your email correctly during the registration process.
I have successfully registered for my BIMB Web access, but a message appears on the screen saying, “Please update your mobile number at the nearest Bank Islam branch to perform financial transactions.”. What should I do?
You need to update your mobile number at your nearest Bank Islam branch.
How do I register my mobile number?
You can register, change or update your mobile number online or at any Bank Islam branch.
Can I register an overseas mobile number?


If you are in Malaysia, please visit Bank Islam branch nearest to you or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

If you are not in Malaysia, for instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also reach the Bank Islam Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

What are the transaction limits for the services available on BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
Details on transactions limits for BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile are as follows: Please click on button below to find out more.
Can I change my mailing address for my Individual Account?
Yes, you may can change your mailing address at BIMB Mobile or BIMB Web.
Can I change my mailing address for my Joint Account?
No, please visit any branch to change your mailing address for a Joint Account.
Can I change mailing address for all my products with Bank Islam via BIMB Mobile or BIMB Web?
Currently, change of mailing address function via BIMB Web is only applicable for individual current accounts, savings accounts, transactional investment accounts and financing accounts. This function is not applicable for Term Deposit-i Tawarruq (TDT-i) and Wafiyah Investment Accounts.
Once I have performed my BIMB Web transactions, can I have a transaction copy for my own record? How do I get my BIMB Web transaction copy?
Yes, you can. You can obtain a copy of your transaction by clicking "Download" on the confirmation screen. You can also view your BIMB Web Transaction History, which allows you to filter by internet banking history and provides records of your transactions for the last three months.
Can I perform transaction above RM10,000 via BIMB Mobile?
Yes, you can perform transactions above RM10,000 via BIMB Mobile.
Can I download an e-statement from BIMB Mobile?
Yes, you can download an e-statement from BIMB Mobile.
Can I change my BIMB Web Password?
Yes. Login to BIMB Web, select Manage Menu > Login & security > Password.
Can I change my BIMB Web Username?
No, you cannot change your Username.
Can I use the Username as the Password?
No, your Password must be different from your Username.
Can I change my Password using BIMB Mobile?
Yes. You can change your Password through Manage Menu > Login & Security > Password > Update password > Authorise your transaction via BIMB Secure > Password successfully updated.
What security feature are available on BIMB Web?
Bank Islam has enhanced its security features to make online banking safer. The system, called the Automated Fraud Detection System (FDS), may request further validation (e.g., Secret Question) in addition to BIMB Secure authentication during login or transactions, if necessary.
Why do I need to set up the Secret Questions and Answers?
Secret Questions and Answers verify the identity of the person accessing BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web. You will need to set them up during your first login.
Is it compulsory to set up three Secret Questions and three Secret Answers?
Yes, for security reason, you must set up your three Secret Questions and Answers. Choose from the list provided by Bank Islam and set the answers.
Is it possible to use the same Secret Question three times?
No, you must select different Secret Questions.
Can I provide my own Secret Questions?
No, you must select from the list provided by Bank Islam.
How can I make the Secret Questions and Secret Answers safe as possible?

To ensure safety, follow these tips:

  • Make every Secret Answer completely unique and not guessable to every Secret Question.
  • Never use generic Secret Answers.
  • Never duplicate Secret Answer to every Secret Question.
  • Ensure you are in the correct url: (BIMB Web link) during BIMB Web Registration, login or performing BIMB Web transaction.
  • Never share or reveal your personal and bank account details, Secret Questions and Secret Answers to anyone (including the Police, BNM Officials or family members).
  • Always keep your computer or any electronic device systems up to date with the latest operating system and anti-virus software.

If you receive any SMS, alert, unknown call, or email requesting a change to your Secret Question and/or Answer without your request, call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my immediately. For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com.

How many attempts am I allowed when entering my Secret Answer?
You have three attempts to answer your Secret Question. Failure to provide the right answer will lock your BIMB Web account.
What are Private Image and Private Word?
The Private Image and Private Word are additional security measures to help you identify that you are on the genuine BIMB Web site. Confirm that they are correct before entering your password.
What is the requirement for the Private Word?
The Private Word consists of 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters.
Can I upload my own Private Image?
No, you must choose from the selection provided by Bank Islam.
Can I re-use my previous Private Word and Private Image?
Yes, you can use your previous Private Word and Image.
What should I do if the selected Private Image and Private Word displayed are incorrect?

Do not proceed to log in and immediately report to Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03 2690 0900 or email contactcenter@bankislam.com.my. For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com

How do I protect my BIMB Web Password / Username?
Please click on the button below for further details.
What is phishing?
Phishing is a scam where attackers trick you into giving them your Username, Password or other details to gain access to your online banking accounts. Victims often receive phone calls, SMS or emails claiming to be from a bank or reputable institutions, asking for personal information to update their accounts. Once provided, their accounts are usually compromised.
How to prevent phishing?

To ensure safety, follow these tips:

  1. Never disclose your personal information such as Username, Password and other information to anyone.
  2. Never click on link(s) sent from emails or SMS.
How to protect myself from phishing?
Always type in the BIMB Web URL: www.bimb.com directly into the address bar of your internet browser and always ensure that your Private Word and Private Image are displayed correctly before entering your password.
What should you do if you receive a fraudulent email, SMS or/ phone call?

If you receive a fraudulent email or SMS/phone call, for instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also call our Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03 2690 0900 or email contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

I suspect that I have been scammed. What should I do?
If you notice any suspicious or/ unauthorised transactions or suspect that you’ve fallen victim to an online scam, immediately use the Kill Switch to protect your funds. Then, call Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-26900900 or the National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) at 997 (8:00am to 8:00pm daily, including public holidays) to report it.
What is Kill Switch?
Kill Switch is a feature that can be activated if you suspect you have been scammed. It blocks all access to BIMB Web, BIMB Mobile and BIMB Biz, accounts, and debit cards. Once activated, your accounts and access to BIMB Web, BIMB Mobile and BIMB Biz will be blocked, and debit cards will be terminated immediately. No transactions can be performed digitally, through ATMs, or at branches. Recurring or scheduled fund transfers will also be suspended.
What is the benefit of performing Kill Switch?
Activating Kill Switch immediately protects your funds and prevents further unauthorised transactions. This enhances your online banking security, as reactivation requires a verification process at a Bank Islam branch.
Where can I find Kill Switch and how to activate it?
Please click on the button below to find out more on steps to activate Kill Switch.
I am unable to activate Kill Switch, what should I do?
If you are unable to activate Kill Switch, immediately call Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-26900900 or the National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) at 997 (8:00am to 8:00pm daily, including public holidays) to report it. Alternatively, visit any Bank Islam branch for further support.
I accidentally activated the Kill Switch, what should I do?
To deactivate Kill Switch, visit any Bank Islam branch.
I received an SMS notifying that my Kill Switch has been activated but I did not perform this action. What should I do?

For immediate assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also reach our Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-2690 0900. Alternatively, you have the option to visit any Bank Islam branch for further support.

Can I perform cash withdrawal from ATMs using my Debit Card-i after initiating Kill Switch?
No, you will not be able to perform cash withdrawals using your Debit Card-i after initiating Kill Switch.
If I have activated the Kill Switch, would it cancel my scheduled payments and online transactions?
Yes, activating the Kill Switch, will cancel your scheduled payments and online transactions.
How do I deactivate Kill Switch?
To deactivate Kill Switch, visit any Bank Islam branch. We will verify your profile and take the necessary actions to lift the Kill Switch status on your account. Your existing Debit Card-i can no longer be used, and a new card will be required.
Once Kill Switch is deactivated, can I still log in to my existing BIMB web?
No, your existing BIMB Web can no longer be used as a security measure. You will need to re-register for Internet Banking using the newly issued Debit Card.
What will happen to my account if I do not deactivate Kill Switch?
If you do not not deactivate the Kill Switch, your account will remain blocked. Rest assured, your money will stay secure in your bank account. To ensure smooth transaction and payment processes, we strongly advise you to visit the nearest branch to request the deactivation of the Kill Switch feature.
What is the cooling-off period?
The cooling-off period is a 12-hour waiting period from the time a new application or request is submitted until it takes effect. This period provides a buffer time for new changes and applies to some activities in BIMB Web, BIMB Mobile and BIMB Biz app.
Why do we need a cooling-off period?
The cooling-off period safeguards you against potential scammers who may attempt unauthorised transactions on your account. It serves as a buffer, allowing you to react if you receive SMS or push notifications about unauthorised changes. This period gives you the opportunity to take prompt action and respond accordingly.
How long is cooling-off period?
The cooling-off period is 12 hours
How does the cooling-off period impact online transactions?
The following transactions will be impacted by the cooling-off period. Please click on the button below for further details.
What is online access activation?
Online access activation is a security measure to ensure that only authorised users can access their banking transactions through BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile. It adds an extra layer of protection to safeguard your financial information.
Who is required to perform activation for online access?

Activation is required for:

  • New users who have recently registered for BIMB Web.
  • Existing customers of BIMB Web who are new users of the BIMB Mobile app.
  • Existing customers of BIMB Web who have installed the BIMB Mobile app on a new mobile device.

Note: Existing users who are already using these services are not required to perform activation.

How do I activate my online access?

You need to complete the required steps for the first-time set up for BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile before you can activate your online access.

You can activate your online access through any of these three options:


  • Go to any Bank Islam ATM/CRM:
    1. Insert your debit or credit card into the ATM/CRM
    2. Enter your 6-digit PIN to access the Main Menu
    3. Select ‘Others’
    4. Select ’Online Access Activation’
    5. Complete the activation process


  • Bank Islam Branch:
    1. Fill out and submit the Activation Request Form
    2. The branch will process your activation request


  • Email Contact Centre:

This option is available specifically for overseas customers. Please email to Bank Islam Contact Centre at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my or for instant support, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bankislam.com


Note: The cooling-off period starts immediately after the activation process has been successfully completed.

What is BIMB Secure?
BIMB Secure is an authentication method to authorise transactions initiated from BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web.
Do I need to register for BIMB Secure?
No. It will be activated automatically after your first-time setup of BIMB Mobile.
How should I authorise the transaction that I have performed through BIMB Web

To authorise a transaction using BIMB Secure, follow these steps:

  • Launch the BIMB Mobile app
  • Select Quick Menu
  • Select ‘BIMB Secure’
  • Verify the transaction details
  • Once verified, select ‘Authorise’
  • The authorisation process is now complete
What is DuitNow?
DuitNow is a real-time online fund transfer service that allows consumers and business owners to transfer money using an account number or ID called DuitNow ID. With DuitNow ID, consumers and business owners no longer need to divulge their bank account numbers, which are harder to remember and not always readily available. DuitNow is an industry wide initiative led by PayNet, whose main shareholder is Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
What is DuitNow ID?
A DuitNow ID is a unique identifier that that serves as an alternative to traditional account numbers or payments. Both consumers and business owners must first select their DuitNow ID and link it to their preferred bank account. The available list of DuitNow IDs, categorised by customer type, are as follows: Please click link below
Where can I register DuitNow ID?

You may register DuitNow ID via the following channels:

  • BIMB Web
  • Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
  • BIMB Mobile
  • Branches
How many bank accounts can I register for each of my DuitNow IDs?

Each DuitNow ID can only be linked to one bank account, and each bank account can have more than one DuitNow ID pointing to it. For example:

  1. Your mobile number is registered as a DuitNow ID for your savings account in Bank Islam.
  2. Your Mykad number can also be registered as a DuitNow ID for the same savings account.
Can I register my international mobile phone number?
No, international numbers are not allowed at the moment.
What are the types of DuitNow transfers currently available?

There are two types of DuitNow transfers:

  • Transfer to DuitNow ID (Proxy)
  • Transfer to account number
Can I schedule a future dated and recurring transfer with DuitNow?
Yes, you can set future dates and recurring transfers for DuitNow Transfer on BIMB Web.
Can I change the account tagged to my DuitNow ID?
Yes, you can change the account tagged to your DuitNow ID.
Can I tag the same DuitNow ID with another bank?
No, DuitNow ID can only be used at one bank at a time.
Can I link all of my DuitNow IDs to one receiving account?
Yes, you can link all your DuitNow IDs to one account.
I have recently changed my mobile number, but my previous mobile number was my DuitNow ID. What should I do?

You need to deregister your DuitNow ID and go to a Bank Islam branch to update your mobile number. Only a mobile numbers that match Bank Islam’s records are allowed to be registered as DuitNow ID for mobile numbers.

After the branch has updated your mobile number, you can re-register your new mobile number as your DuitNow ID via the following channels:

  1. BIMB Web
  2. Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
  3. BIMB Mobile
  4. Branches
What happens if I received an error message when I try to register or perform maintenance of my DuitNow ID?

If you encounter any error during registration or maintenance of DuitNow ID, please report it to the Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my. For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com.

What should I do if my passport number has changed?

You need to deregister your DuitNow ID and go to a Bank Islam Branch to update your passport number. Then, you can re-register your new passport number as your DuitNow ID via the following channels:

  1. BIMB Web
  2. Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
  3. BIMB Mobile
  4. Branches
How can I ensure that I am transferring to my intended recipient?
The recipient’s name will be displayed during confirmation of transfer. It is important that you verify the recipient’s name before to confirming the transaction.
How much are the transaction charges for DuitNow Transfer?
Please click on button below to find out more.
What is the maximum daily transaction limit for DuitNow?
Please click on button below to find out more.
What if the mobile number displayed via BIMB Mobile is not my mobile number?
Please visit any Bank Islam branch to update your mobile number. Once updated, register your DuitNow ID via BIMB Mobile.
Can I save any DuitNow ID as one of my favourite recipients via BIMB Mobile?
Yes, you can save any DuitNow ID as a favourite recipient via both BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web.
Can I perform DuitNow Favourite Recipient Accounts Maintenance via BIMB Mobile?
Yes, you can perform DuitNow Favourite Accounts Maintenance via both BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web.
What if the mobile number displayed via BIMB Web is not my mobile number?
Please visit any Bank Islam branch to update your mobile number. Once updated, register via BIMB Web register via BIMB Web.
Can I save any DuitNow ID as one of my Favourite recipients via BIMB Web?
Yes, you can save any DuitNow ID as your Favourite recipient.
Where can I check my transaction status after I made the DuitNow transfer?
You can view your transaction history via BIMB Mobile or BIMB Web.
What is DuitNow QR?
DuitNow QR is Malaysia’s National Quick Response (QR) Standard established by PayNet under the Bank Negara Malaysia Interoperable Credit Transfer Framework (ICTF). It enables customers to make payment from any participating banks or e- wallet mobile apps.
How does DuitNow QR differ from the existing QR payments offered by banks and e-wallet providers?
DuitNow QR allows interoperability between all participating banks and e-wallets meaning you can use one app to scan DuitNow QR code provided by any participants. With that, Merchants can just display one QR code for all customers.
Who can use DuitNow QR?
All new and existing BIMB Mobile users.
What are services available for DuitNow QR?

The services available for DuitNow QR include:

  • Scanning seller’s or another person’s DuitNow QR code to pay or transfer funds.
  • Generating a QR code to receive money from another person.

More new features will be introduced soon.

Where can I use DuitNow QR?
Look for a DuitNow QR code standee at participating merchant outlets. You can also use DuitNow QR at all participating local and overseas merchants displaying the ‘DuitNow QR’ logo. Additionally, you can make payments to anyone who can generate a DuitNow QR code using participating bank apps and e-wallet mobile apps. Click here https://www.duitnow.my/QR/index.html for the full list of DuitNow participants
What are the minimum requirements to use DuitNow QR?

To use DuitNow QR you need:

  • The BIMB Mobile downloaded on your smartphone.
  • A smartphone that is not jail broken or rooted.
  • An Internet connection
  • A smartphone operating system of iOS 10 and above or Android version 5 and above.

Registration for DuitNow QR

What functions available for DuitNow QR?

There are two (2) types of functions available:


This is a merchant-presented QR code where BIMB Mobile users can scan any DuitNow QR-supported static/dynamic QR code to perform QR payments. The source account for this is via current and savings account.


This is a person-to-person transfer (P2P QR) function where the recipient generates a QR code and presents it to the sender/payer to scan and perform electronic monetary transfer. This function is available and interoperable between the BIMB Mobile app and other banks or e-wallet apps that support DuitNow QR.

Are there any charges for using DuitNow QR?
There are no charges imposed to customers for using DuitNow QR.
What if the price displayed on my screen is different from what the merchant had agreed on?
Please confirm with the merchant if the information shown is not accurate. If there are discrepancies, request the merchant to regenerate a new code and scan again.
What is my daily limit and how is the security in place?
Details on the daily limits and security for DuitNow QR Transactions are as follows: Please click on button below to find out more.
I can’t perform any transaction through DuitNow QR. What should I do?

If you’re facing issues with DuitNow QR, please try the following methods:

  1. Restart device - Many common issues can be fixed by turning off and restarting the device.
  2. Check data connection – A strong internet connection (Wi-Fi or mobile data) is required to use the app. Re-launch the app when the internet connection is stable.
  3. Check device’s available storage If the storage space is low, uninstall other apps or delete items like pictures or videos to free up space. The problem could also be due to multiple suspended apps running in the background. Close unused apps to free up memory and resources.
  4. Clear cache and data - Clear the cache and data on the App Store or Google Play Store application, and then try downloading the app again.
  5. Update to the latest version of BIMB MobileIf issues persist, uninstall and re-install the app.
What are the security features in place?
You can set your preferred daily transaction limit from RM0 to RM50,000. However, there is a cumulative limit that requires authentication for your transactions. For DuitNow QR exceeding RM250, password or biometric validation is required. Below this cumulative limit, no authentication is required.
How do I safeguard my DuitNow QR from being abused?

To prevent others from using your DuitNow QR, follow these guidelines:

  • Ensure your device is protected with biometric, PIN or pattern.
  • Do not save any other biometrics except your own on your mobile devices.
  • Do not leave your device unattended.
  • Set your DuitNow QR limit based on your comfort level.
  • Regularly check your account activity for any discrepancies or unauthorised transactions.
What are the safety measures to be taken before proceeding with the DuitNow QR transaction?

Ensure the following before proceeding with a DuitNow QR transaction:

  1. Check the amount to be paid.
  2. Verify the merchant’s details (business name).
What happens if I lose my mobile phone?
Please call our Contact Centre at 03 26 900 900 to temporarily suspend your BIMB Mobile.
Do I need to enter my password every time I launch and use DuitNow QR?

No. However, a password is required in the following instances:

  • To access the Scan QR feature if biometric login on your phone is not enabled.
  • For QR payments exceeding RM250 per transaction.
Which debiting account can I choose for DuitNow QR?
You can choose either from your current account, savings account, or transactional investment account.
Why don’t I have to enter the amount to be paid sometimes?
This is because the recipient has already fixed the amount to be paid. When you scan the DuitNow QR code, you will be making a payment for the exact amount displayed on the screen for your confirmation.
How long will it take to process DuitNow QR?
DuitNow QR payments/transfers are be processed immediately
How do I know my payment status?
After making a payment, the status will be displayed on the screen, and you will receive a push notification. Alternatively, you can view the transactions in your account history.
How do I know if the payment was successfully made and debited from my account?
Once you have scanned a QR code and made a payment, you will receive a push notification confirming the successful status of payment. You will also see an acknowledgment page. Alternatively, check the transaction history or click on ‘Inbox’ to verify the payment status.
Why is my payment being rejected?

Your payment may be declined due to:

  1. Insufficient balance in your account.
  2. Poor internet connectivity.
  3. The merchant’s DuitNow QR service being deactivated.
I received a successful notification for my payment, but the merchant claimed not to have received it. What should I do?
Show the successful notification to the merchant for payment confirmation. The merchant can also check their transaction history to verify the payment has been made.
Can another person use my app to access DuitNow QR?
No, you should not allow anyone to use your app and DuitNow QR. The app is solely for your use. Always follow best practices to safeguard your DuitNow QR from being abused by other.
What happens if the amount transferred for QR Payments was wrong due to a mistake by the merchant/cashier or customer?
If you are at the merchant’s premise, you need to settle the dispute directly with the merchant. Any settlement of discrepancies shall be between you and the merchant/cashier. Both parties can make arrangements as deemed fit and agreed upon. If further investigation is needed, report the matter to our Contact Centre at 03 2690 0900 or email contactcenter@bankislam.com.my
What happens if the amount transferred for P2P QR was wrong due to a mistake by the sender or recipient?
Settle the dispute directly the sender/recipient. Any settlement of discrepancies should be between you and the sender/recipient. Both parties can make arrangements deemed fit and agreed upon. If further investigation is needed, report the matter to our Contact Centre at 03 26 900 900 or email contactcenter@bankislam.com.my
What is DuitNow Request?
DuitNow Request is a collection service available via BIMB Web and/ BIMB Mobile allowing individuals to send a digital payment request to collect funds from a payer.
Do I need to register for DuitNow Request?
No registration is required to make a DuitNow Request. However, you need to perform a one-time set up for your receiving account.
How can I request a payment using DuitNow Request?

Log in to BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile and make a DuitNow Request to an account number of any banks or one of the payer's IDs below:

  1. Mobile number
  2. Mykad number
  3. Passport number
  4. Army ID / Police ID
  5. Business registration number (only SSM-registered businesses)
Would I be charged for using DuitNow Request?
No, it is absolutely free.
Is there any limit for DuitNow Request?

Maximum limit per day:

  1. Resident: RM50,000
  2. Non-Resident: RM10,000

However, the default limit is RM5,000 and subject to the third party transfer limit set by the payer.

Is there any expiry date for DuitNow Request?
Yes. The DuitNow Request will expire after seven days if the payer does not make any payment.
How quickly does DuitNow Request transfer occurs?
DuitNow Request will be processed immediately, and the requestor will receive money in their bank account instantly upon the payer's payment.
How do I know if my DuitNow Request was successful?

You will receive an email notification on the status of the DuitNow Request. You can also view the successful status at the acknowledgment page in Internet Banking.

If the payer’s bank is Bank Islam, the payer will be notified via email. For other banks, the notification will be based on respective bank’s notification type

Can I reject a DuitNow Request?
Yes, you can reject the request.
What type of account can be used to pay the Requestor?
All types of banking accounts (savings accounts, current accounts, and transactional investment accounts) can be used to pay except term deposit accounts.
What is “Allow Partial Payment”?
A requestor can allow the payer to pay the requested amount partially by ticking the ‘Allow Partial Amount’ box in the DuitNow Request. This enables the payer to pay less or equal to the requested amount. The request will be considered completed once the payer makes the payment, regardless of whether the payment amount is less than or equal to the requested amount.
I noticed that the amount is sometimes editable when I accept (i.e. make payment) a DuitNow Request. Why is that so?
This occurs if the requestor allows partial payment to be made by the payer, depending on the nature of payment and the requestor's plan.
What is the maximum number of DuitNow Requests that I can send?
You can send up to 20 DuitNow Requests at a time. For example, if you currently have 20 pending requests, you can only send another request if the earlier request have been completed.
Can I share the receipt as the proof of my DuitNow Request and its payment?
Yes, you can. After each successful DuitNow Request or payment, you can share the receipt by clicking the 'Print' button at the bottom of the acknowledgment page.
I need help with my DuitNow Request. Who can I contact?
You can call our Call Centre at 03 2690 0900 or email contactcenter@bankislam.com.my for assistance.
What is DuitNow AutoDebit Consent Registration?
DuitNow AutoDebit registration is a consent process that allows preferred merchant to collect recurring payments from customer.
Why do I have to perform Consent Registration for DuitNow AutoDebit?
This facilitates the merchant in collecting payments from your registered account using DuitNow AutoDebit based on the registered consent you provided earlier.
How do I register Consent for DuitNow AutoDebit?

There are three ways to perform Consent Registration for DuitNow AutoDebit:

  1. Register via BIMB Mobile or BIMB Web.
  2. Register from the merchant’s website.
  3. The merchant sends a consent request to you.
Is there any expiry date for the Consent request?
Yes, it depends on the merchant’s set up.
What is Duitnow AutoDebit?
It is a service that allows merchant to collect recurring payments based on the consent given by customers.
Will I be charged for using DuitNow AutoDebit?
No, it is free until further notice.
How many merchants I can register for DuitNow AutoDebit?
There is no limit on the number of merchants you can register.
Is there any expiry date for DuitNow AutoDebit?
Yes, the expiry date is as per the expiry date set up in the DuitNow Consent registration.
How do I know if my DuitNow AutoDebit was successful?
A notification will be sent to you via email.
Can I reject a DuitNow AutoDebit Consent request?
Yes, you can reject or reject and block any request.
What type of account can be used for Consent registration for DuitNow AutoDebit?
All types of banking accounts (savings, current, and transactional investment accounts) can be used, except term deposit accounts.
I need help with my DuitNow AutoDebit. Who can I contact?

For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com, call our Bank Islam Contact Center at 03-2690 0900, or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

What is Interbank GIRO (IBG)?

Interbank GIRO (IBG) allows funds/repayments to be transferred from any of your banking accounts with Bank Islam to another person’s or entity’s account/card in another bank in Malaysia, provided it is within the Service Provider’s network. Click here (https://www.bankislam.com/personal-banking/services/interbank-giro-ibg/) to view the Interbank GIRO (IBG) processing time and funds availability.


Note: Customers have the option to request the receiving bank to validate the recipient’s ID by selecting the ID type and entering the recipient’s ID when performing IBG. This information will be validated, and the ID type selected by you is for the receiving bank’s information only.

What is the prepaid reload service?
The prepaid reload service allows Bank Islam customers to reload their prepaid/ e-wallet accounts via BIMB Web, BIMB Mobile and ATMs.
Who are the telco service providers for this service?
Please click the button below to view the list of telco service providers for prepaid reload
What are channels are available for customers to use this service?
Customer can access this service through ATMs, BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web.
Will I instantly receive the reload amount after completing the reload purchase?
Customers can choose between two reload methods: Auto Reload or PIN-based reload (with PIN).
  • Auto Reload: The prepaid/e-wallet account will be reloaded immediately upon completion of the reload purchase.

  • PIN-Based Reload: Customers will receive details such as PIN number, serial number, expiry date and instructions to reload. The account will be reloaded immediately once the PIN number is applied.
What if I wrongly keyed in the mobile number or selected the wrong telco and the transaction was successful. Can I cancel the transaction or request for a refund?
No, once you have confirmed the purchase on the confirmation screen, the transaction cannot be cancelled and there will be no refunds.
What is the daily transaction limit for the purchase of Prepaid Reloads?
The daily transaction limit for Prepaid Reloads is up to RM250 per day.
What if I do not receive the reload?
If you do not receive the reload, please contact our Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900.
What if the reload amount is not what I have requested (e.g. purchased RM50 but received RM30)?
If the reload amount differs from what you have purchased, please contact our Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900.
Is there any fee for Prepaid Reload Services via Bank Islam ATMs?
There is no fee for Prepaid Reload Services via Bank Islam ATMs.
What is JomPAY?
JomPAY is Malaysia’s national bill payment scheme established and operated by Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet), under Bank Negara Malaysia with the participation of banks and large billers. JomPAY establishes an accessible bill payment eco-system for consumers, banks and billers, allowing customers of 42 banks in Malaysia to pay bills anywhere and anytime.
What can JomPAY do for me?
With JomPAY, you can pay any bill through the internet or mobile banking service of 42 banks in Malaysia using funds from your savings, current, transactional investment or credit card accounts. It’s fast, safe, and convenient. You can refer to JomPAY website for list of participating banks and JomPAY services at https://www.jompay.com.my/personal/payment-availability.html
Is JomPAY free?
Yes, JomPAY is absolutely free for customers making bill payments.
Do I have to register before making payments with JomPAY?
No registration is required with JomPAY. However, you must have internet or mobile banking access at one of the 42 banks.
How do I make payment via JomPAY?
Look for the JomPAY logo on your bill or invoice and log in to BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile to make a payment. Enter the JomPAY Biller Code and Reference Number (Ref-1) with payment made from your current, savings, transactional investment or credit card account.
What is a Biller Code?
A Biller Code is a unique number to identify a JomPAY biller.
What is Ref-1?
Ref-1 is a unique number used by your biller to identify you or your bill. Ref-1 is printed next to the JomPAY logo on your bill.
Why does Ref-1 change in some subsequent bills/invoices?
Ref-1 could be either fixed or variable depending on the needs of billers. In most cases, Ref-1 is fixed.
How is JomPAY different from existing Bank Islam’s bill payment service?
Currently, the number of Billers available for you to pay differs significantly across banks in Malaysia. You may not be able to make payments to a Biller if the Biller is not available in BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile channels. JomPAY creates an accessible and inclusive bill payment eco-system for consumers, banks and billers so that all JomPAY billers are available to all customers of 42 banks in Malaysia.
Is there a limit for JomPAY payment?
Please click on button below to find out more.
How long does it take for my payment to go through?
  • Before 5:00pm on Banking Business Day: The biller will receive payment on the same day.
  • After 5:00pm on Banking Business Day: The biller will receive payment on the next banking business day.
  • On Non-Banking Business Day (weekends and public holidays): The biller will receive payment on the next banking business day.

Note: The cut-off time may vary and is subject to change from time to time according to PayNet. For the latest information please refer to https://www.bankislam.com/personal-banking/services/jompay/

Can I set a future dated payment?
Yes, you can schedule a payment to occur on a future date via BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile.
How do I know if the payment was successfully made and debited from my account?
You will receive a push notification via the BIMB Mobile app and your registered email address on the successful status of the payment. Additionally, an acknowledgement page will display the successful status of the payment. You can also check the account history on BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile app.
Why is my payment rejected?
Your payment may be rejected due to:
  • Insufficient balance in your account
  • Poor internet connectivity
  • Biller’s JomPAY service has been deactivated
  • Payment amount exceeding the daily limit
I received a successful notification for my payment, but the biller claimed they did not receive it. What should I do?
Please show the successful notification to the Biller for payment confirmation. Biller could also check its own account transaction history with Biller’s bank to find out if the payment has been made successfully.
What should I do if I made an incorrect payment amount?

If you are at the Biller’s premise, kindly settle the dispute with the merchant directly. Any settlement of discrepancies shall be between you and the Biller. Both parties are allowed to make settlements based on arrangement as deemed fit, appropriate, and agreed by both parties.


If there is a need for further investigation, kindly report this matter to Bank Islam Contact Center at 03-2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my. For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com.

What is JomPAY QR?
JomPAY QR is a QR code provided by billers that allows you to pay your bills quickly and easy using your mobile phone. Simply scan the static or dynamic QR code on your bill or invoice, which contains the Biller Code, Recipient Reference Number (RRN) and payment amount. This eliminates the need to manually enter payment details.
How does JomPAY QR differ from the existing QR payments offered by banks and e-Wallet providers?
JomPAY QR includes your unique RRN (which appears as Ref-1 and Ref-2 on your bill/invoice) so you don’t have to manually enter the required details for payment. Existing QR payments typically enable payments or transfers to merchants or individuals.
Who can use JomPAY QR?
All new and existing BIMB Mobile users.
Do I need to register to use JomPAY QR?
No, registration is required for JomPay QR. However, you need to register for DuitNow QR to enable QR scanning before using JomPAY QR. The source account for JomPAY QR will be the preferred account during DuitNow QR registration. If you have already registered for DuitNow QR, this step is not required. To register, just click on ‘Scan QR’ at the BIMB Mobile and follow the instructions on your screen.
How do I use JomPAY QR to pay bills?
After registering, click on ‘Scan QR’ and scan any JomPAY QR on you bills or invoices.
Are there any charges for using JomPAY QR?
There are no charges for using JomPAY QR to pay bills.
What safety measures should be taken before proceeding with a JomPAY QR transaction?
Ensure the following:
  • Check the amount to be paid
  • Verify the biller’s details (business name) before proceeding
Do I need to key in my password every time I launch and use JomPAY QR?
No, but you will need to enter your password is required:
  • First-time set up of Scan QR
  • Changing QR settings, including payment limit and default account
What is my daily limit for JomPAY QR?
Please click on button below to find out more.
Why don’t I have to enter the amount to be paid sometimes?
This is because the biller has already fixed the amount to be paid. When you scan the JomPAY QR code. The exact amount will be displayed on the screen for your confirmation.
How long does it take for my payment to go through?
  • Before 5:00pm on Banking Business Day: The biller will receive payment on the same day.
  • After 5:00pm on Banking Business Day: The biller will receive payment on the next banking business day.
  • On Non-Banking Business Day (weekends and public holidays): The biller will receive payment on the next banking business day.

Note: The cut-off time may vary and is subject to change from time to time according to PayNet. For the latest information, please refer to https://www.bankislam.com/personal-banking/services/jompay/

How do I know if the payment was successfully made and debited from my account?
After scanning a QR code and making a payment, you will receive a push notification confirming the successful status of payment. An acknowledgement page will also display the successful status. Alternatively, you can check the transaction history or click on ‘Inbox’ in BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile to check the payment status.
Why was my payment rejected?
Your payment may be rejected due to:
  • Insufficient balance in your account
  • Poor internet connectivity
  • Biller’s JomPAY service being deactivated
  • Payment amount exceeding the daily limit for the day
I have received a successful notification for my payment, but the biller claimed it did not receive it. What should I do?
Show the successful notification to the biller for payment confirmation. The biller can also check their account transaction history with their bank.
What should I do if I made an incorrect QR payment amount?

If you are at the Biller’s premise, kindly settle the dispute with the merchant directly. Any settlement of discrepancies shall be between you and the Biller. Both parties are allowed to make settlements based on arrangement as deemed fit, appropriate, and agreed by both parties.


If there is a need for further investigation, kindly report this matter to Bank Islam Contact Center at 03-2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my. For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com.

What is the Bill Payment Service offered by Bank Islam?
Bank Islam's Bill Payment Service allows both Bank Islam customers and non- Bank Islam customers to pay various bills, such as utility bills, fees, deposit unit trusts, and many more. The service is available through multiple channels.
Which channels can I use to pay my bills with Bank Islam?

You can pay your bills through the following channels:

  1. SST terminals (ATM/CDM)
  2. BIMB Web
  3. BIMB Mobile
  4. Branch
  5. Auto Debit
Are there any fees for using the Bill Payment Service?
Yes, the fees for the Bill Payment Service range from RM 0.00 to RM2.00, depending on the payment method and biller. Kindly refer to Bank Islam website for further information on this service and list of Bills Payment Services Provider. Charges for billers will be displayed on the screen upon making payment online.
Who are the Bill Payment Service Providers available through Bank Islam?
You can view the full list of Bill Payment Service Providers by clicking here https://www.bankislam.com/wp-content/uploads/Service-provider-3.pdf
Can non-Bank Islam customers use the Bill Payment Service?
Yes, non-Bank Islam customers can also use this service to pay their bills via any Bank Islam branch.
What is FPX?
FPX is an online payment gateway that facilitates interbank transfers for customers making payments for their online purchases using their banking accounts. For businesses, FPX enables you to accept payments online for transactions made by their customers.
Who can open an account online?
Online account opening is available to all new and existing individual customers who have any accounts such as financing, credit cards, savings, current & investment accounts with Bank Islam.
How do I open an account online?
  • New and existing customers can visit our website (bankislam.com) and look for ‘Account Opening’ or go to https://vao.bankislam.com.my/vpnew to select the account to be opened.
  • Existing customers can also log into BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile and select ‘My Account’ > ‘Apply’ >’ Open New Account’.
What types of accounts can I open online?
Please click on button below to find out more on the accounts that can be opened online.
What is the initial deposit / placement to open an account online?
The minimum amount varies depending on account type details on the initial deposit/ placement amount for each account. Please click on button below to find out more.
When can I open an account online?
You can open an account online daily between 6:01am until 11:30pm (Malaysian time).
What web browsers are supported to open an account online?
Our online account opening is best viewed using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari.
Do I need to upload any document to open an account?
  • For New Customers: Your MyKad is Currently, other identifications cards such as MyTentera, MyKid, MyPR, MyKAS and MyPolis are not accepted.
  • For Existing Customer: No documents are required.
How can I transfer the initial deposit/ placement?
You may use FPX to transfer your initial deposit / placement. Alternatively, you can perform an own account transfer or DuitNow transfer from other banks or use Bank Islam Cash Deposit Machine to deposit cash into your new account.
What happens if I fail to transfer the initial deposit/ placement within 30 days?
Your account will be automatically closed if no deposit is made within 30 days from the date the account is successfully opened online.
Can a third-party (e.g., my parents) transfer the initial deposit/ placement to my new account?
  • For New Customers: No, the initial deposit / placement must come from your own account with another bank. Transfers will be rejected if they differ from your name on MyKad.
  • For Existing Customer: Yes, we accept incoming fund transfers from any source, such as third-party transfers, DuitNow or any form of transfer.
Can I transfer less than the initial deposit/placement?
No, you cannot proceed if your transfer amount is less than the initial deposit/placement.
How do I know whether my account is successfully opened online?
Acknowledgement page will appear online to notify you that the account has been successfully opened. You can also view the account number in Account Summary dashboard once you log in to BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile.
Will I receive a verification code for online account opening?
  • For New Customers: You need to register your mobile number during the account opening process. An OTP code will be sent to the registered mobile number for verification.
  • For Existing Customers: An OTP code will be sent to the mobile number registered with Bank Islam. If your mobile number differs from our records, you need to visit the nearest Bank Islam branch to update it.
Will I receive a new debit card for my new account?
  • For New Customers: Yes, you can choose to receive the debit card via mail or by visiting your preferred branch.
  • For existing customers: You can request for a new debit card or link your existing debit card. You can choose to receive the new debit card via mail or by visiting your preferred branch. If you need to replace your card (due to it being faulty, expired, etc), you can log in to BIMB Web and select ‘Debit Card Maintenance’. Please note that there is a fee for replacing a lost, stolen or damaged debit card. Please refer to bankislam.com for the relevant fees and charges.
How do I activate my new debit card?
You may activate your debit card by visiting the nearest branch or by logging to BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile, selecting ‘Debit Card Maintenance’ and then selecting ‘Debit Card Activation’.
I need help with my application. Who can I contact?

For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

Can I make a withdrawal using BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile if I opened a Term Deposit-i Tawarruq/ Wafiyah Investment Account at the branch?
Yes, you can make the withdrawals using BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile.
Can I withdraw at the branch if I opened a Term Deposit-i Tawarruq/ Wafiyah Investment Account using BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile?
Yes, you can go to the nearest branch to make a withdrawal.
How do I check the profit rate for Term Deposit-i Tawarruq/ Wafiyah Investment Account?
The profit rate will be available under ‘Placement Details’ in BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile when you open Term Deposit-i Tawarruq/ Wafiyah Investment Account.
What are the services I can perform with Debit Card-i Maintenance via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?

The services available for Debit Card-i Maintenance are as follows:

  1. Debit Card-i Cancellation
  2. Debit Card-i Transfer Daily Limit
  • Card Not Present (CNP) / Online Purchase Activation or Deactivation
  1. Overseas Transaction Enablement or Disablement
  2. Retail Purchase Daily Limit (Contact)
  3. Retail Purchase Daily Limit (Contactless)
  • Retail Purchase (Contactless) Maximum Amount Per Transaction
  • Debit Card-i Activation
  1. Debit Card-i Set PIN
  2. Debit Card-i Replacement


Note: These services are currently available on BIMB Web and will be available on BIMB Mobile in the future.

What can I do with Debit Card-i Cancellation?
If your Debit Card-i is lost or stolen, you can cancel by performing Debit Card-i Cancellation via BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile and your card will be cancelled immediately, and the card can no longer be used.
What can I do with Debit Card-i Transfer Daily Limit?
This is a set up to change the transfer limit of the Debit Card-i for transactions performed on ATM.
What can I do with Card Not Present (CNP) / Online Purchase Activation or Deactivation?
This is to enable or disable the online purchase function of the Debit Card-i.
What can I do with Oversea Transaction?
This is to enable or disable the oversea transaction function of the Debit Card-i.
What can I do with the Retail Purchase Daily Limit (Contact)?
This is to change the daily limit of the Debit Card-i transaction made via a payment terminal by swiping the card. If you select RM0.00, the function will be disabled.
What can I do with the Retail Purchase Daily Limit (Contactless)?
This is to change the daily limit of the Debit Card-i transaction made via a card terminal for contactless payment. If you select RM0.00, the function will be disabled.
What can I do with Retail Purchase (Contactless) Maximum Amount Per Transaction?
This is to change the maximum amount per transaction of the Debit Card-i made via card terminal for contactless payment.
What can I do with Debit Card-i Set PIN?
You may set or change your Debit Card PIN Number via BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile. If you forget your PIN Number, you may reset it using this service as well
What can I do with Debit Card-i Activation?
If you get a new Debit Card-i, you may activate the card using Debit Card-i Activation via BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile.
What can I do with Debit Card-i Replacement?

You may replace your debit card if your debit card falls under any of the following conditions:

  1. Due for expiry (i.e., before the expiry month/year stated on the Debit Card-i)
  2. Retained in ATM
  • Faulty or broken
  1. Not working as intended
  2. Physically too old

There are three (3) card types available for you to choose from:

  1. Bank Islam Visa Debit Card-i
  2. Bank Islam Visa Tabung Haji Debit Card-i
  • Bank Islam Visa Team Harimau Debit Card-i


Note: RM12 will be charged for replacement of card due to loss, stolen or damaged.

For more information on the applicable fees and charges, you may refer to https://www.bankislam.com/personal-banking/bank-islam-cards/bank-islam-debit-card-i/. The new Debit Card-i will be delivered to your address within 7 to 10 working days, and the delivery will be completely free of charge.

Can I replace an expired Debit Card-i via BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile?
No, you may replace/renew expired Debit Card-i at any Bank Islam branch.
What are the services I can perform with Credit Card-i Maintenance via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?

You will be able to perform these services:

  1. Card Activation
  2. Set and change PIN
  • Report Lost/Stolen Card
  1. Request for Card Replacement
  2. Activate Overseas Transactions and Withdrawal
  3. Notify Overseas Travel
  • Apply Balance Transfer (This service is temporarily disabled until further notice)
  • Apply for GoCash
  1. Apply GoFlexi (Retail Spread Value Plan)


Note: These services are currently available on BIMB Web and will be available on BIMB Mobile in the future.

What can I do with Credit Card-i Activation?
You can activate a new or replacement credit card through BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile.
What can I do with Credit Card-i Set PIN?
You can set or change your Credit Card-i PIN.
How many times can I change my PIN number?
There is no limit to the number of times you can change your PIN number.
Are there any special characters required for setting up the PIN number?
You must only use numeric numbers from 0 to 9 to set up your PIN.
Does the PIN number have an expiry date?
No, there is no expiry date for the PIN number.
What if I forget my PIN number?
You can reset your PIN number by the Set PIN function via Credit Card-i Maintenance on BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile.
What can I do if my Credit Card-i is lost or stolen?
You should report the loss or theft immediately to deactivate the card and request a replacement by Calling our Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900 or perform Report Card Lost/Stolen Card via Credit Card-i Maintenance on BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile. A replacement card will be delivered to your default mailing address.
My Credit Card-i has expired, is faulty, broken or not working. How can I receive a new Credit Card-i?
You can call our Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900 or request for a card replacement via Credit Card-i Maintenance on BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile. The new card will be delivered to your mailing address within seven to ten working days.
If I request for a Credit Card-i replacement, will I get a new card number?
No, only lost or stolen card will get a new card number.
What is the ‘Overseas Transactions and Withdrawal’ function under Credit Card-i Maintenance?
This function allows you to activate or deactivate overseas transactions and withdrawals on your Credit Card-i.
What is Notify Overseas Travel function under Credit Card-i Maintenance?
You can notify the bank of your travel period and destination to allow your Credit Card-i transactions to be smoothly processed by the bank.
What is Apply GoCash?

You can apply for GoCash program offered by Bank Islam using this function. GoCash allows you to apply for instant cash up to 90% of unutilised Bank Islam Credit Card-i facility limit. The approved amount will be credited to your Bank Islam savings, current or transactional investment account. More information on GoCash is available at https://www.bankislam.com/gc/.

What is Apply GoFlexi?

You can apply for GoFlexi program offered by Bank Islam using this function. GoFlexi allows you to convert retail purchases (minimum RM1,000 in a single receipt at terminal/merchant not acquired by Bank Islam) into an instalment plan. More Information on GoFlexi is available at https://www.bankislam.com/gf/.

What financing products can apply for via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?

You can apply for the following products:

  • Personal Financing-i
  • Home Financing-i
  • Vehicle Financing-i
  • ASB Financing-i
  • Bank Islam Credit Card-i
What information is required to apply for Financing-i and Credit Card-i via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?

To apply for Financing-i and Credit Card-i, you will need to provide:

  • Income details
  • Monthly expenditure
  • Monthly liabilities
  • Financing amount applied for
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Employment details and documents [e.g. MyKad image (front and back), latest three months’ salary slips, income tax forms (J, BE, EA and EPF forms), letter of appointment/employer confirmation and latest salary crediting statement with name and account number]
How long does it take for the application to be approved?
The application process takes two to five working days, subject to terms and conditions. Our salesperson will contact you within three working days upon receiving your application.
How can I know the status of my application?
Our salesperson will contact and update you on the status of your application.
How long is the process of Financing-i/Credit Card-i application?
The duration of the application process varies depending on the type of financing and the receipt of all required information and documents. Please click on button below to find out more.
What is Financing Document Request via BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile?

The Financing Document Request allows you to obtain the following documents:

  • Redemption Statement for Home Financing-i (HFA)
  • Account Statement for Employment Provident Fund (EPF) Withdrawal
  • Withdrawal Scheme to Reduce/Settle Outstanding Balance of Home Financing
  • Monthly Withdrawal Scheme for Home Financing-i (HFA)
Who can use the Financing Document Request?
All customers with an Home Financing-i facility with Bank Islam and a BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile account can use this service.
Are there any fees and charges for the Financing Document Request?

Yes, fees and charges apply the requested statements. Please refer to the Bank Islam website https://www.bankislam.com/fees-and-charges-home-financing/ for details on relevant fees and charges.

Can my spouse/brother/sister (3rd party) collect the statement on behalf of me?

Yes, a third-party (e.g. spouse, siblings) can collect the statement on your behalf with an authorisation letter.

Note: This is only applicable for the Account Statement for EPF withdrawals.

Can I use the Financing Document Request to request a statement on behalf of my spouse or any third party?
Only the owner of the Home Financing-i facility account can use the Financing Document Request to request the statement.
How long will it take for me to receive the statement after making a request?

The processing times from the date of request (T) are as follows:

  • Redemption statement for Home Financing-i: T+10 working days
  • Account statement for EPF withdrawal: T+10 working days

Note: For courier delivery, the time is subject to the courier company’s schedule.

How do I check the status of my request?
You can check the status of your request via the ‘Status Inquiry’ menu in BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile.
How will I receive the statement?

You can choose your preferred delivery method:

  • Account Statement for EPF Withdrawal: Either courier to the address provided during the request or collect at your preferred Bank Islam branch.
  • Redemption Statement: Either courier to the address provided during the request or email to the email address provided.

Note: Customers are required to bear the courier charges as stated on the Bank Islam website

Can I cancel my statement request?

Yes, you can cancel your request through BIMB Web, BIMB Mobile or by calling our Contact Centre before the status in ‘Status Inquiry’ indicates “Completed” without incurring any fees and charges. If the request for cancellation is made after the status has “Completed”, then the fees and charges imposed will not be refunded.


For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also reach our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

Do I have to pay upfront fees and charges for the financial document request?
No, the Bank will debit the fees and charges into your financing account (Misc Charges) once the statement is ready. You are required to pay the fees and charges directly to your Home Financing-i facility account.
Can I request a Redemption Statement for a joint financing account via BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile?

Request for redemption statement for joint accounts are not available. You may apply for the redemption statement at our nearest branch or for instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also reach our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

Is Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (Bank Islam) an official appointed agent of Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB)?
Yes, Bank Islam is an Institutional Unit Trust Advisor (IUTA) appointed by ASNB for the distribution of unit trust funds issued by ASNB.
What are the ASNB services that can be transacted via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?

ASNB services that can be transacted online are as follows: -

  • Link or delink ASNB account.
  • Balance enquiry of ASNB unit trust account, including ASNB minor
  • View the last five ASNB transactions history of own/minor
  • Add or remove third-party ASNB account from Favourite list.
  • Subscribe additional ASNB unit trust funds:
  • Transfer funds from Own Savings/Current/Transactional Investment Account to ASNB Own/Minor Account
  • Transfer funds from Own Savings/Current/Transactional Investment Account to ASNB 3rd Party Account
Who is eligible to subscribe for additional ASNB investment via BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile?
All BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile users with existing ASNB accounts are eligible to subscribe for additional ASNB investments.
What are the requirements to invest in ASNB unit trust fund via BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile?
You must have a valid ASNB Unit Holder Membership Number and MyKad as registered in ASNB records.
What types of ASNB unit trust funds are offered via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
The unit trust funds offered via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile are listed on the ASNB website. You can refer to https://www.asnb.com.my/asnbv2_2funds.php#prospektusphs for product details and prospectus.
What should I do before using ASNB investment via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
You must have BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile and an ASNB Account. Please ensure your ASNB account is linked with Bank Islam.
When can I perform ASNB transactions via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
Financial transactions (e.g. subscriptions) are available from 2:00am to 9:00pm daily, subject to the transaction cut-off time of 4:00pm on business days. Transactions made after 4:00pm will be processed on the next business day. Non-financial transactions (e.g. account linking, Favourite account maintenance and balance enquiry) are available 24 hours a day, subject to the availability of BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile and ASNB core systems. Notes: Subscriptions are not available during the transaction suspension periods (e.g. due to income distribution of funds).
Is there any possibility that my transaction cannot be processed by ASNB?

Your online transaction may be rejected by ASNB for reasons including but not limited to:

  • Invalid ASNB Unit Holder Membership Number.
  • ASNB Total Investment amount has reached the maximum individual unit trust (for ASB fund).
  • The units have been fully subscribed (other than ASB fund).
  • ASNB account status tagged by ASNB for non-online transaction.
Where can I learn more about ASNB unit trust funds?

Information on ASNB unit trust funds is available on the ASNB website. You are advised to read the e-prospectus https://www.asnb.com.my/asnbv2_2funds.php#prospektusphs before subscribing to any ASNB unit trust fund. The e-prospectus is also available in hard copy at any ASNB or its agent’s branch or Bank Islam branch.

Note: To view the prospectus, an Adobe Acrobat Reader software is required. You can browse on https://www.adobe.com to download the software.

For more information, you may contact:

Customer and Agent Relations Department

Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad

No 201-A, Tingkat UG, Balai PNB

Jalan Tun Razak

50400 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-7730 8899

Fax: 03-20505220

Email: asnbcare@pnb.com.my

Website: www.asnb.com.my

Is my investment in ASNB unit trust fund protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM)?
No, your investment in ASNB unit trust funds is not protected by PIDM because unit trust funds are investment products, not deposit products. Any money withdrawn from an insured deposit for the purpose of purchasing units in a unit trust scheme is no longer protected by PIDM.
Is there any risk of investing through BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile?
There are inherent risks when conducting online investment through the Internet. You are responsible accessing these risks when using this service. It is advised to read and understand the e-prospectus and Product Highlight Sheets (PHS) before subscribing to any ASNB funds. Please note that fund prices and distributions may fluctuate with market conditions. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Bank Islam’s materials, whether printed or digital, do not constitute investment advice, recommendations or opinions on any fund or investment. All investments should be based on your independent judgment and at your own risk. By investing through BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile, you assume and are responsible for these risks.
Can I withdraw my ASNB investment via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?

No, you cannot. Currently, you can only subscribe additional investments via BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile. Withdrawal can only be done over the counter at any Bank Islam branch, fully operational ASNB offices or at any ASNB agents.


For instant assistance, you may connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You may also call Bank Islam Contact Center at 03 2690 0900, email contactcenter@bankislam.com.my,  or call ASNB at 03 7730 8899 to learn more about the available services.

Where can I subscribe for additional investments besides BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
You can subscribe for additional investments and perform other services like redemption, funds transfer, switching or any other non-financial transactions of ASNB unit trust funds over the counter at any Bank Islam branch, fully operational ASNB offices or at any ASNB agents.
Where can I find the income distribution statement, annual report and interim report of my ASNB unit trust funds?
ASNB electronically delivers income distribution statements, annual reports, and interim reports to the registered email ASNB unitholder. These reports can also be accessed via ASNB website (www.asnb.com.my).
What are the minimum and maximum limit for subscribing to the ASNB unit trust fund via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
Please click on button below to find out more on the subscription limits for ASNB unit trust funds via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile.
Where can I view my ASNB transaction status?
You can view your ASNB transaction status on the acknowledgment page or transaction history via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile. You will also receive a notification via SMS sent to your mobile number registered with the Bank. For further assistance, contact the Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900 or ASNB at 03-7730 8899.
What are the charges for this service?
A service RM0.75 service charge for every successful Fixed Price transaction will be charged by Bank Islam regardless of investment amount and will be debited from the same account as the transaction is made (savings account, current account, or transactional investment account).
Can I withdraw my subscription if a supplementary prospectus is registered after the issuance or transfer of units to me?
If a supplementary prospectus is registered after the issuance or transfer of units to you, you cannot longer withdraw your subscription.
Can I exercise my cooling-off right through BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
The cooling-off right cannot be exercised via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile. To exercise this right, you need to visit any Bank Islam, ASNB or ASNB authorised agent branch throughout Malaysia.
What is Quick Transfer?
Quick Transfer is a new feature that simplifies online transactions by not requiring additional authentication for transactions below RM250. BIMB Web users no longer need to provide BIMB Secure authentication and BIMB Mobile app users do not need to enter a password to log in.
What is Quick Transfer Limit?
Please click on button below to find out more on Quick Transfer Limit.
What services are applicable for Quick Transfer?

Quick Transfer is currently available for the following services:

  • DuitNow QR
  • JomPAY
  • Sadaqah
  • Bill Payment
  • Prepaid Reload
  • DuitNow Transfer
  • 3rd Party Fund Transfer
  • Payment to Credit Card-i and Financing-i Account
What if I perform a transaction that is not part of the Quick Transfer services?
  • For transactions via BIMB Web: You need to verify the security authentication by BIMB Secure when prompted by the system. Click here https://www.bankislam.com/personal-banking/services/go-secure/ for more information on BIMB Secure.
  • For transactions via BIMB Mobile app: You need to provide your BIMB Web password to approve transactions (below RM250).
What are Tabung Haji services?
Tabung Haji services facilitate Bank Islam and Tabung Haji customers to perform various transactions conveniently via BIMB Web, BIMB Mobile and Automated Teller Machine (ATM)/Cash Recycler Machine (CRM).
What are the Tabung Haji services offered?

Services offered via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile:

  • Tabung Haji Balance Inquiry
  • Tabung Haji Statement History
  • Tabung Haji Fund Transfer
  • Tabung Haji Favourite Accounts Maintenance
  • Link your own/child Tabung Haji account with/from the Debit Card-i (This service is temporarily unavailable until further notice)
  • Delink your own/child Tabung Haji account with / from the Debit Card-i (This service is temporarily disable at BIMB Mobile until further notice)
  • Hajj Registration (Self and for others)
  • View and Print/Share Hajj Registration Slip.

Services offered at Bank Islam ATM/CRM:

  • Link your own/childs Tabung Haji account with your Debit Card-i
  • Cash Withdrawal from your Tabung Haji account
  • Tabung Haji Balance Inquiry
  • Tabung Haji Fund Transfer
  • Hajj Registration (Self)

Services offered at Bank Islam CRM:

  • Tabung Haji Balance Inquiry
  • Cash Deposit to own/third-party Tabung Haji Account
What are the requirements to use Tabung Haji services via BIMB Web/ BIMB Mobile/ ATM/ CRM?

To use Tabung Haji services, you must:

  • Be 18 years and above.
  • Have an active Bank Islam current/savings/transactional account. (Not applicable to sole proprietor)
  • Have a Bank Islam Debit Card-i
  • Have an active individual Tabung Haji account.
  • Link your Bank Islam Debit Card-i to your Tabung Haji account, including TH accounts of children under your custody.

Note: The Maximum number of Tabung Haji accounts allowed to be linked is eight (8) accounts (including accounts of children under your care).

Can I link a third-party Tabung Haji account with my Bank Islam Debit Card-i?
No, it is not possible to link a third-party Tabung Haji account.
Is there any service charge fee imposed on each Tabung Haji transaction?
Yes, there are fees charged for certain transactions. Please click on button below to find out more.
Can I delink the Tabung Haji Account from Bank Islam Debit Card-i at Bank Islam ATM/CRM?

No, you cannot delink the Tabung Haji Account from Bank Islam Debit Card-i at Bank Islam ATM/CRM though. You can do so at any Bank Islam branch or via BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile. (This service is temporarily disabled at BIMB Mobile until further notice.)


  • Debit Card-i linked to Tabung Haji Account with a status of Closed, Dormant, Deceased or Conversion of Child Account will be automatically delinked at Tabung Haji system.
  • You will not be able to view the auto-delinked Tabung Haji account via ATM/CRM, BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile.
  • All transfer or deposits to Tabung Haji beneficiary account with the above-mentioned statuses will be rejected including the recurring and future-dated transactions on BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile. The Tabung Haji account owner or heir must visit Tabung Haji branch for further action.
What is the daily transaction limit for transfer from Tabung Haji Own Account (Tabung Haji to Tabung Haji Own Account)?
Please click on button below to find out more.
What is the daily transaction limit for 3rd Party Account Tabung Haji Transfer?
Please click on button below to find out more.
What should I do when the following error message “Transaction rejected, TH profile not updated” is displayed on the ATM/CRM screen?
If you see this error message, it means your Tabung Haji account profile needs to be updated. Please contact the Tabung Haji Contact Centre at 03-6207 1919 or visit any Tabung Haji Branch to update your profile.
What should I do when the error message “Response Code: AB108 Reason: TRX NOT PERMIT” is displayed on the SST receipt?
This error message indicates that your transaction is not permitted by Tabung Haji because your Tabung Haji account profile has not been updated. Please contact the Tabung Haji Contact Centre at 03-6207 1919 or visit any Tabung Haji branch to update your profile.
What type of Tabung Haji transfers can I perform via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?

You can perform the following Tabung Haji transfers via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile:

  • Bank Islam Account to Own Tabung Haji Account
  • Bank Islam Account to Third-Party Tabung Haji Account
  • Tabung Haji Account to Own Bank Islam Account
  • Tabung Haji Account to Third-Party Bank Islam Account (This service is temporarily unavailable until further notice)
  • Tabung Haji Account to Own Tabung Haji Account
  • Tabung Haji Account to Third-Party Tabung Haji Account
Can I view my child’s Tabung Haji account in BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
Yes, you can view your child’s Tabung Haji account via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile after linking the account.
How long will my Tabung Haji statement history be available for viewing via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile?
Tabung Haji Statement History will be available for viewing and retrieval via BIMB Web and BIMB Mobile for up to three months.
Can I set future-dated or recurring transfers for Tabung Haji transactions?
Yes, you can set future-dated or recurring transfers for Tabung Haji transactions.
What if I need to transact more than the BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile daily maximum transaction limit?
If you need to transact more than the maximum daily limit on BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile, you can do so over the counter at any Bank Islam branch.
How many persons can I submit together for Hajj Registration?
You can register up to ten persons at the same time for Haji.
What should I do when the error message “[E5800H9016] - Sorry your TH Profile needs to be updated. Please contact TH Contact Center at 03-6207 1919 before you can perform this transaction” is displayed on the BIMB Web or on BIMB Mobile screen?
This error message means your Tabung Haji account profile needs to be updated. Please contact Tabung Haji Contact Centre at 03-6207 1919 or visit any Tabung Haji branch to update your profile.
What is MyDebit Secure?
My Debit Secure service enable cardholder to perform an online transaction when they are not physically present at the merchant. Customers can make payments using their Bank Islam Debit Card-i at participating merchants displaying the MyDebit Secure logo.

Who can use MyDebit Secure?
All Bank Islam Debit Cardholders, except minor (child) cardholders, can use Mydebit Secure.
Are there any fees charged if I use MyDebit Secure?
Bank Islam does not charge any fees for payments made using MyDebit Secure.
Do I have to register before making payments with MyDebit Secure?
No registration is needed to use MyDebit Secure. However, you must enable the Card-Not-Present (CNP) function on your Bank Islam Debit Card-i before using it for online purchases or e-commerce payments.
How can I enable the CNP function on my Debit Card-i?

You can enable the CNP function via:

  • BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile under Online Purchase Activation
  • Bank Islam ATM or CRM
  • Bank Islam branches
  • Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900
Should I perform activation to enable MyDebit CNP if I’ve done it before for Card-Not-Present under Visa scheme?
No, the activation is applicable for both Visa and Mydebit Card-Not-Present services.
How do I make a payment via MyDebit Secure?
During the checkout process, choose ‘MyDebit Secure’ as your payment method.
Is MyDebit Secure safe?
Yes, to ensure safety, Bank Islam implements OTP (one-time passcode) for MyDebit Secure. The OTP contains a six-digit code sent to your registered mobile number via SMS.
How do I register or update my mobile phone number?
You can register, change or update your mobile number at any Bank Islam branch.
What will happen if I exceed the maximum number of OTP attempts?
If you exceed the maximum number of allowed OTP attempts, you will be unable to proceed with your online purchase payment via MyDebit Secure. In this case, please contact the Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900 for assistance.
What is the limit for MyDebit Secure payment?
The daily transaction limit is a combined limit with your Debit Card-i Purchase (Contact) limit. Please click on button below to find out more.
How do I change my limit?

You can change your daily limit through the following methods:

  • Walk-in: Visit any of our branches.
  • Contact Centre: Call the Bank Islam Contact Centre at 03-26 900 900 for assistance.
  • Online: Use BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile
  • ATM/CRM: Select 'Bank Islam' > 'Others' > 'Debit Card-i Maintenance’ at any Bank Islam ATM or CRM.
Who can I contact if I have a question about my purchase using MyDebit Secure?

For enquiries regarding your purchase made using MyDebit Secure, please contact the merchant (seller) directly. For queries related to the usage of your Debit Card-i with MyDebit Secure, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. for instant assistance. You can also call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

Setup and Login
How do I sign up?

After downloading BIMB Mobile, register using your existing BIMB Web Username, password, and your Identification Card (IC) / Identification Document (ID) number to bind your device with your Internet Banking Username.

For existing BIMB Web users: -

  • Enter your Username and password.
  • Enter your MyKad/ID number.


If you do not have a Username, first register for BIMB Web here https://web.bimb.com/.  For subsequent logins, you can use your fingerprint (if supported by your mobile device) or your existing BIMB Web password.


Note: After completing the first-time setup as a new user for BIMB Mobile, you must activate your access before performing any banking transactions. Activation can be done at Bank Islam's Automated Teller Machines (ATM), branches or via the Contact Centre (for customers overseas or without access to branches and ATM).

How do I activate BIMB Mobile after the first-time setup?

After completing the initial setup, activate the service by following these steps:


  • Activation via ATM/ CRM
  1. Visit any Bank Islam ATM/ CRM
  2. Insert your debit or credit card
  3. Enter your 6-digit PIN to access the Main Menu
  4. Select ‘Others’
  5. Select ’Online Access Activation’
  6. Complete the activation process


  • Activation at Branch
  1. Visit any Bank Islam branch
  2. Fill out and submit the Activation Request Form
  3. The branch will process your activation request


Note: For overseas customers, please email to Bank Islam Contact Center at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my or for instant support, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com.

Do I need to login every time I want to use the BIMB Mobile application?
Yes, you must log in using your password or biometric authentication (if supported by your device) to access BIMB Mobile.
I only have a Bank Islam Credit Card-i and no Savings Account with Bank Islam. Can I register for BIMB Mobile and perform online activation?

Yes, you can register for the BIMB Mobile even if you don't have a Bank Islam savings account. Complete the online activation at an ATM or by visiting the nearest branch.


Note: For overseas customers, please email to Bank Islam Contact Centre at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my or for instant support, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. to perform online activation.

I have both a Sole Proprietorship Account and an Individual Account. Can I use the application on the same mobile device for multiple Usernames?
For security reasons, we recommend using one Username per device. When you perform a transaction, you will receive push notifications via the app and need to authenticate through BIMB Secure to authorise transactions initiated from BIMB Web or BIMB Mobile.
Can I login on BIMB Mobile App and BIMB Web at the same time?
No, you can only login on one channel at a time.
What are the requirements to sign up for BIMB Web?

To sign up for BIMB Web, you must:

  • 18 years or older.
  • Have an Individual Current/Savings/ Transactional Investment Account or a Sole Proprietor Account; or have a financing facility.
  • Have Bank Islam ATM/Debit Card-i or Credit Card-i.
  • Have ATM PIN.
What are the requirements to create Username?
Your Username must consist of 6 to 10 alphanumeric characters and cannot include special characters.
What are the requirements to create Password?
Password must consist of 8 to 18 alphanumeric characters; you may also include special characters.
What is Quick Touch/ Face ID?
Quick Touch/ Face ID are forms of biometric authentication using fingerprint or/ facial recognition for speedy access to your account summary. This feature is only applicable for BIMB Mobile.
How do I activate/ deactivated Quick Touch/ Face ID?
You can activate/ deactivated Quick Touch/ Face ID during the first time login or at Manage Menu > Login & security > Biometric Login.
Which device supports Quick Touch?
Devices that have built-in fingerprint authentication capability.
Which device supports Face ID?
Devices that have built-in facial recognition and authentication capabilities.
Can I use Quick Touch/ Face ID to perform monetary transactions in the application?
No. Quick Touch/ Face ID function allows you to view your Account Summary only.
What happens if I cannot login using Quick Touch/ Face ID?
You can login using your password.
This message “You have already registered. Kindly proceed to login” appeared when I was performing BIMB Web registration. What should I do?
The system detected that you have already registered for BIMB Web. If you still remember your USERNAME and Password, kindly proceed to Login button. If you have forgotten your username or password, kindly proceed to “Forgot Login Details” to update your username and password. However, you will need a valid Username, Bank Islam Debit Card - i/ Credit Card - i and PIN Number to reset your password.
What should I do when I see the message “Invalid User Information”?

For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

What should I do if I fail 3 times on login attempts and was locked out from my BIMB Web account?

For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

What do I need to do if I forgot my BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile password?
If you have forgotten your password, click on ‘Forgot Password’ to update it. You will need an active username, Bank Islam Credit Card-i /Debit Card-i and PIN to reset your password.
What do I need to do if I forgot my BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile Username?
If you have forgotten your username, click on ‘Forgot Username’ to reset it. You will need an active Bank Islam account (savings, current, investment or financing), Bank Islam Credit Card-i /Debit Card-i and PIN to reset your username.
What will happen if I enter the wrong password for 3 consecutive times?

Your Username will be blocked. To unblock, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com for instant assistance. You can also call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

What should I do when I see the secret question being prompted on screen when I perform BIMB Web/BIMB Mobile transaction?
Ensure that your selected Secret Question is displayed on the screen and enter the Secret Answer as per what you have chosen during registration to proceed with your internet banking transactions.
What do I need to do in the following situations?
  • I forgot my BIMB Web Secret Questions and Secret Answers
  • I have entered incorrect Secret Answers three (3) times and my BIMB Web account has been locked
  • If my BIMB Web account is locked
  • I see the message “[E3**] We are unable to process your request” or “[E5**] We are unable to proceed with your transaction”

For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.

Why do I receive this message when I try to register for BIMB Web: “Thank you for your interest in Internet Banking. We are sorry to inform that your Internet Banking registration can only be done by a branch. Kindly visit the nearest branch to proceed.”?
To protect the safety and security of our customers, we have imposed an additional control by allowing these customers to register for Internet Banking ONLY after visiting any Bank Islam branch. For further action, please visit any of our branches for ID verification to enable Internet Banking registration.
Who do I call for assistance?

For instant assistance, connect with Chatbot Adam at www.bimb.com. You can also, call our Contact Center at 03 2690 0900 or email us at contactcenter@bankislam.com.my.